

作为一个独立的医疗机构, you already have your hands full taking care of patients and daily operations — the last thing you need is using your valuable time managing the business side of your practice. LBMC’s Single Source MSO services are specifically designed to provide you and your practice with a tailored service package to support your practice’s unique business needs. 通过选择从一个交钥匙或点菜菜单的业务解决方案, 客户端可以接收可定制的服务, 然而,所有这些都是由一个供应商协调的.

明升体育app下载目标是提供支持, resources and expertise you need so you have more time for doing what you do best: taking care of patients. And we’ll be there as your practice grows, offering a scalable solution to get you to the next level.



独立的医疗实践需要更多的支持、资源和专门知识. 在医疗保健核心使命之外的领域,需求尤其巨大, 比如计费, HR, 会计, 工资, 以及类似的业务功能. 服务可以根据您的需要打包或点菜.

利用MSO为您的所有财务提供很多好处 & 会计, 人力资源, 技术解决方案, Physician Office 解决方案, and Consulting needs.

  • 〇一站式服务 Get convenient one-stop access to services such as 专业雇主组织 (PEO) and 会计 services
  • 〇节省时间 通过处理耗时的收入周期程序使您的员工受益
  • 〇自动化技术 实施自动化解决方案并简化账单, 集合, 索赔处理和临床文件
  • 〇经验丰富的职员 和有才华的人一起工作, 经验丰富的团队提供高效和成本效益的全面实践管理支持

Our 20-page brochure explains all of the services available to your organization to improve administration to benefit you and your patients.



  • 金融 & 会计服务
  • 人力资源:人力资源外包(HRO)
  • 人力资源:PEO服务
  • 医师执业管理咨询/行政监督
  • 医师实践收入周期解决方案
  • 采购服务
  • 资讯科技支援服务


  • 编码 & 合规
  • 信息安全
  • 合并策划及促进
  • 实践启动/开发服务
  • 实践结构 & 治理咨询
  • 战略规划和实践评估
  • 税务及会计服务
  • 技术解决方案
  • 财富管理服务


管理服务机构 (MSO)s Give Physicians Time to Do What They Do Best – Care for Patients

A long-standing concern for physicians in private practice is the amount of time they must spend away from patients tending to the business side of their practice, and that concern has only been exacerbated in recent years as managing a medical practice is even more complex than ever before.  An MSO can enhance the overall operational and financial performance of your practice by enabling professionals to provide these services.

结果,越来越多 越来越多的医生开始转向 管理服务机构 (美索)该公司在合作的基础上为医生实践执行“后台”功能. 长期以来,外包商一直可以为医生提供特定的功能. 一家事务所可能与一家公司签订合同,为其记账, 另一个负责管理其技术,第三个负责处理账单和编码. The LBMC MSO model is differentiated from other outsourcing models in that we partner with you via these services to better position you and your practice for future successes.

越来越多地, 最受欢迎的解决方案是完全集成的MSO, which not only performs the traditional back-office functions outlined above but can also provide consulting services to include, 但不限于:

  • 编码遵从性审核/教育
  • 补偿建模
  • 网络安全
  • 数据分析和仪表板
  • IT解决方案选择
  • M&A
  • 付款人/合同谈判
  • 实践的评估
  • 战略规划
  • 财富顾问

A major advantage of a ‘one-stop shop’ approach is  all of the MSO’s business components “talk to each other,” eliminating the inefficiencies and hiccups that occur in trying to tie together the variety of services and systems that are deployed when tasks are outsourced to multiple vendors. MSOs also provide physician practices with access to sophisticated technology they might not be able to afford on their own. 随着越来越多的基于价值的补偿的部署, physician practices will need to provide detailed information about treatments and outcomes in order to be appropriately reimbursed for their hard work.

获得购买力方面的专门知识是使用MSO的另一个潜在优势. 一个真正的全方位服务的MSO提供团购, which provides savings on supplies and equipment that are available to organizations such as MSOs that can negotiate on behalf of a larger group of providers.

Factors driving the rise of MSOs include the consolidation of medical practices to gain leverage with payors and to gain greater buying power, a desire for enhanced financial performance along with the plateauing of the full-employment model by healthcare organizations that are not owned in part by physicians. 进一步, private equity has utilized MSOs in order to remain focused on portfolio growth and profitability. 很长一段时间, physicians sought employment to free themselves of the administrative burden of running a practice. 最近, 就业趋势已经趋于平缓, and we now are entering a period in which these organizations are conducting those difficult contractual renewal discussions that could lead to more shared risk on the financial front. Physicians wishing to regain some autonomy and independence might be facing additional financial risk in exchange for those.

而雇用医生有助于加强竞争和医生短缺的问题, 医院发现这是因为报销削减, 他们可能负担不起目前的充分就业模式. A return to a fully independent private practice – or perhaps in a joint venture with the hospital – means those physicians will need to set up their own businesses while remaining ‘hospital-friendly’. Utilizing the services offered by an MSO makes more sense than making the large capital investment necessary to form a new medical practice.

而且医生供不应求, it only makes sense for them to spend the maximum amount of time possible doing what they do best – taking care of patients. mso有助于实现这一目标.



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电话: 615-377-4600

办公时间: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday-Friday

P.O. 1869箱





We’re happy to answer any questions you may have on what our healthcare experts can do for you. Please send us an email using the form and one of our professionals will get back to you promptly.